

Portable PPB

Portable PPB offers gold explorers the ability to obtain parts per billion (PPB) gold results anywhere, using a simple, green process.

Story: Portable PPB
Episode: 4
Presenter: Christina Morrissy
Air Date: 28th April 2024

Portable PPB offers gold explorers the ability to obtain parts per billion (PPB) gold results anywhere, using a simple, green process

  • Over 100 million gold assays are conducted annually worldwide, with teams collecting samples and sending them back to laboratories for testing, a process that can take months.
  • Exploration manager Simon highlights the persistent issue of long waiting times for assay results, which haven't changed much over the past century due to the high demand for exploration.
  • Soil samples from mining leases in Perth are sent to labs for testing, often resulting in significant delays, leading some companies to desperate measures like flying samples worldwide for quicker testing.
  • The challenge of condensing lab processes into a portable solution for on-site testing was posed to PHD Research scientist Mel Linton, who began exploring ways to innovate the process.
  • Mel's inspiration struck unexpectedly while at the beach, leading to the invention of a prototype that revolutionized gold assaying, described as the first change in over a century.
  • With Mel's invention, Portable PPB, the partners formed a company to commercialize the innovation, creating units that weigh 100kg, run off solar power, and have a reduced carbon footprint.
  • The Portable PPB units were first used in the goldfields of WA before gaining global attention for their ability to accelerate exploration processes and inform drilling decisions more efficiently.
  • Despite initial pushback from mining labs concerned about losing work, Portable PPB has seen widespread adoption, with labs now recommending the technology due to its positive impact on exploration for various resources.

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