


Genvis innovates software for mission-critical public safety scenarios—ensuring public safety teams have reliable, fit-for-purpose tools to succeed when the stakes are high.

Story: Genvis
Episode: 4
Presenter: Christina Morrissey
Air Date: 28th April 2024

Genvis innovates software for mission-critical public safety scenarios—ensuring public safety teams have reliable, fit-for-purpose tools to succeed when the stakes are high.

  • Genvis is the most impactful WA tech company you’ve never heard of. If you’ve lived in WA over the last 4 years you’ve used a Genvis built app, from the G2G Pass to G2G Now, SafeWA, ServiceWA and soon, the new Emergency WA.
  • Genvis innovates software for mission-critical public safety scenarios—ensuring public safety teams have reliable, fit-for-purpose tools to succeed when the stakes are high.
  • Genvis works in one of the most challenging sectors: government. Most startups avoid it because it is so challenging. Hard to win your first contract, very long sales cycles, entrenched ways of working... and yet it’s where innovation is needed!
  • Genvis innovates on behalf of government and community services teams—but mostly we innovate for their end users... the public we serve together.
  • Genvis is a for profit, for good company. We want to be profitable at any size so we can control our destiny and do what matters to us: keep people and communities safe.

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